Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What I got minutes after the science movie

I kind of know that quantum mechanics is talking about that everything is possible, it's just that the chance is large or small. I don't really get what string theory is, and I don't understand what relativity is either. I feel pretty amazed that people can even think of things like this, but I feel pretty dumb not to be able to understand it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What exactly do you not understand about Quantum Mechanics and String Theory? Come on! ;-) Just joking... Seriously though this about this: Is it the details of the theory that you don't understand, or the basic idea of the *question* that the theory is trying to explain.

There's a big difference between understanding the question, and understanding the answer...

P.S. In the case of QM and String Theory, I definitively don't understand the "answer", but the questions are kindda cool!